Practicing at WellStar North Fulton Medical Center, WellStar Urology in Roswell and WellStar Avalon Health Park in Alpharetta
Scott D. Miller, MD arrived in Atlanta in 1995 and quickly established himself in the medical community as an expert and colleague ready to help patients get better and back on their feet sooner.
As Georgia’s first urologic laparoscopist, Dr. Scott Miller became known as an advocate for the reduced invasiveness, faster healing, and minimized complications inherent in the “Band-Aid surgery” approach.
Dr. Scott Miller has a consistent philosophy: Focus solely on the special needs of laparoscopic urologic surgery patients and perfect his techniques in order to deliver the best possible care.
Dr. Scott Miller is an expert in laparobotic and robotic surgery.
Scott D. Miller, MD believes that patients should be informed and involved in their care.
Surgical procedures and referral forms for use by physicians and healthcare professionals.
Minimally invasive surgical procedures require only small incisions and limited recovery time.
Dr. Miller: Atlanta Top Doctor for 16th Straight Year
/in MediaScott D. Miller, MD, MBA, has been named to the Atlanta Magazine’s 2024 list of Top Doctors. This is the 16th consecutive year that Dr. Miller has received the honor. The Top Doctors are chosen by a vote of their peers. Dr. Miller serves as Medical Director of Wellstar Urology, a 25-physician practice and as […]